4 Hair Loss Prevention Tips in Women That Make a Difference

Did you know that the hair growth cycles for women tend to slow down in the later years? The percentage of hair loss in women is relatively higher than men. One of the factor that could probably contribute to the negative image of hair loss for women is the fact that the female hormones tend to make us restrain moisture in our locks, creating excessive oils and moisture in our hair follicles leading to increased friction and breakage. But, this is only partly true. There are many other factors to consider the hair loss for women, and most of them have little to no connection with the hormonal imbalance. Fortunately, there are many ways you can look out for to prevent your locks from thinning out.

Hair Loss

When does hair loss happen?

Yes, it is true that the hormone levels in our bodies fluctuate dramatically at different phases of our lives. The most common stage of hair loss is during and after menopause, a time when women experience changes in their hormonal levels. Women sheds hair throughout their lives, but not as intensely during menopause.

Hair loss can also be caused by stress, hereditary conditions such as alopecia areata, improper hair care, the excessive use of heat (curling wands, straighteners), or an eating disorder. Another reason for hair loss could be dehydration or the lack of protein which could lead to the thinning of the hair.

It’s true that the hormone levels in our bodies fluctuate dramatically at different phases of our lives. The most common stage for hair loss is during and after menopause, a time when women experience changes in their hormonal levels. Women also shed hair throughout their lives, but not as intensely as during menopause.

Hair Loss

What should you do when your notice your hair thinning?

First thing to not do is to not panic! If you notice that your hair has started thinning out, there are a few things you can do to try slow down or stop the process.

The first thing to do is the get a consultation with a doctor, scalp therapist, or a professional in general. It is important to be able to identify the problem before looking for solutions, with this you will be able to start taking any necessary steps to prevent any further damage.


If you have a family history of hair loss and are experiencing bald spots in some areas on your head, seek a professional fast. You should be well informed of the cause of your hair thinning or balding, if it is due to hair follicle disorders such as alopecia areata and trichotillomania, seeing a dermatologist could help.


Another suggestion would be to take prenatal vitamins which contain biotin for women who might be at risk of thinning hair or brittle nails due to pregnancy and/or childbirth.


What can we do to help?

De Arte Hair offers appropriate scalp treatments according to the different scalp conditions. We start off by assessing your scalp condition, before moving on to decide what would be the best treatment in favour to your scalp condition. We have scalp treatments curated for women who have just started to experience hair loss as well, which would be more desirable to many.

Quick Tips From Home

If you would like to stick to a routine that is comfortable to carry out from home, here are some tips we have for you to keep your hair healthy!

  1. Exfoliate regularly with a gentle scrub so that the dead skin cells are removed, giving space for the new ones to grow.
  2. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo when it starts feeling greasy and dirty. This is important because it removes all the build-up of product residue on the scalp and gives space for new growth..
  3. Apply natural oils like jojoba oil before shampooing so as to replenish the moisture in your locks and to keep them flexible as well as soft without making them oily or greasy
  4. Use a conditioner made specifically for thinning hair. Click here for our suggestion of such a conditioner.

Having a well-groomed hair and scalp can help maintain a great image. Book an appointment with us today to consult with our professional hair consultants and stylists to assess and provide you with the best advises on the appropriate treatments and products that you can buy in-store with us to maintain that sharp and confident look!