Unlock Your Signature Look: Finding the Perfect Hair Colouring Method for You!

Don’t we all love making a statement about our personality and style? It can be difficult to decide if hair colouring is the right choice for your hair condition or if the colour is suitable for you. Apart from the process being time-consuming, some of us could even have allergic reactions that we are unaware of. Fret not, we have a list of tips that you can go over to check if the decision you made is right for you.

hair colouring

Temporary Hair Colouring Method

Have you heard about the uprising temporary hair colour? This method would typically last up to 6 weeks without involving any permanent colour changes to your original hair colour. There are multiple types of temporary dyes such as the hair chalk, hair spray-on colours, and temporary rinse-off colours. These options are relatively easy to apply from home, and can be washed out with a simple shampoo wash. These methods are suitable for all hair types, although those with darker hair tones may have to wait longer to see the colours come out to live.

Another option is to consult with a professional hairstylist. They can evaluate your hair type and recommend the best colouring and dyeing option for you. In addition, they can also help you determine if any of the permanent dyeing methods are safe for your hair. By consulting with a professional, you can ensure that the colour you choose is going to be the right one for you and your lifestyle.

hair colour

Consultation with Professionals

Another option is to consult with professional hairstylists. For first-time customers who are curious and have doubts, we would advise coming to us for a free consultation. This would allow our professional stylists to evaluate your hair type and recommend the best hair colouring and dyeing options for you. On top of that, this would help us determine if any of the permanent hair colouring methods are safe for your hair type. Apart from assessing the condition of your hair, this would help us review and identify if there are any possible allergies, and what hair colouring technique would work best for your hair type.

If you are having doubts on whether or not the hair colour you are thinking of would compliment you, we got you! Our stylists are highly trained to help advice on what colour would best match your skin tone. Apart from fancying to wear a particular colour, not every colour would work or flaunt your features. So trust us with that, we got you!

Understanding Your Skin Type and Allergic Reactions

We often focus on different visible allergies, forgetting that it is also possible to have an allergic reaction on our scalp. Depending on your skin type and allergies, it is unfortunate that some hair dyes may not be effective or safe for some. To identify your skin type, look for signs of dryness, oiliness, sensitivity, or any other skin conditions. If you have sensitive skin, you could be more prone to allergic reactions with permanent hair dyes. That being said, it is important to take caution when deciding to dye your hair. In the event of doubts, seek a professional to help determine whether or not it is safe for you to get that hair dye you yearn for

If you a higher tendency to get allergic reactions, you may want to consider the semi-permanent or temporary hair dye methods instead. These methods are less likely to cause an allergic reaction and they do not require high maintenance compared to committing to a permanent hair dye. The bonus of using temporary hair dye methods is that you can test out different colours to see what you like best!

Overall, as simple and attractive changing your hair colour sounds like, it is always important to take in these different factors to protect your hair and scalp condition. Our best advice would be to consult our friendly hair stylists before committing to avoid any unavoidable circumstance. Have fun!